Business Culture Club Event "Invigorating Business Culture & Growth through Agility & Innovation" 5 March, 2019, 1-4pm | Kellogg's, Orange Tower, Media City UK, Manchester M50 2HF


Darryl Cooke

Co-Founder, gunnercooke

Darryl, along with Sarah Goulbourne, sought to establish a law firm founded on a different model from that seen elsewhere in the legal sector. By putting customer and culture at its heart, gunnercooke has created a flexible, innovative and technology-enabled culture delivering strong revenue growth, satisfied clients and a rapidly expanding workforce. They are proving that when employees are happy, healthy and in control of their work, they offer exceptional service.

gunnercooke are Gold Award Winners, Business Culture Awards 2019.

Samantha Thomas-Berry & Stephanie Atkinson

VP HR Europe & HR Director, Kellogg

Samantha and Stephanie are Human Resources Leaders with decades of experience between them across a diverse range of industries including Telecommunications, Aerospace, Manufacturing and FMCG. They will be joined by fellow members of the Agility Power Team to share their proud story of cultural change in which they focused on key barriers to and enablers of Agility to transform their leadership capabilities and organisation as a whole.

Kellogg are Highly Commended in the Team Category, Business Culture Awards 2019.

Alexander Gray

UK Director, CultureIQ

CultureIQ is a global culture management company empowering organisations to transform their culture into competitive advantage. 75% of UK organisations are looking to move to Full Lifecycle Listening by 2020. Alexander will discuss what additional workforce insights can be derived from this methodology, whether surveying your employee population more often is always a good idea, and some techniques to improve action plan execution by managers

CultureIQ are Principal Partners of the Business Culture Awards.

Read the award-winning case studies from gunnercooke and Kellogg and the Speaker Q&A with Kellogg


1:00-1:30 Arrival & Networking
1:30-1:40 Welcome by Samantha Thomas-Berry, VP HR, Kellogg & Cath Longfield, Head of Marketing, Business Culture Awards
1:40-2:10 Samantha Thomas-Berry & Stephanie Atkinson, Kellogg, "Prioritising Agility to Foster a Culture of Growth"
2:10-2:40 Alexander Gray, CultureIQ, "Structuring a Full Employee Lifecycle Listening Programme"
2:40-3:00 Coffee break & Networking
3:00-3:30 Darryl Cooke, Co-Founder, gunnercooke, "Disrupting the Legal Sector through a Culture of Innovation"
3:30-3:45 Wrap-Up

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