EMCC UK - Defining, creating & promoting coaching and mentoring best practice
We're excited to announce a strategic partnership between the Business Culture Awards and the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) UK. EMCC will be sponsoring the 2023 award for the Best Coaching, Mentoring & Personal Development Initiative for Business Culture.
Rachael Hanley-Browne, President of EMCC UK, who will be on the judging panel for the coaching and mentoring award, says:
‘I have known the team behind the awards since their inception and it is clear that we share complementary values. Specifically, EMCC UK wholeheartedly shares the Business Culture Award’s vision of ‘celebrating work which sets employees up to succeed, and recognising how employee experience is fundamental to business performance. Our aim as a professional membership organisation is to define, create and promote best practice, and sponsoring this award is a fresh and creative way for us to fulfil this objective. We want to highlight and celebrate business excellence, the importance of supervision, and how coaching and mentoring add significant value to organisations.’
Cath Longfield, Co-Founder of the Business Culture Awards, comments:
‘We’re delighted to be working with Rachael and the team at EMCC UK. Coaching and mentoring has wide-reaching benefits for organisations and individuals, and building a coaching culture has been a key area of focus since the awards were launched eight years ago. We’ve seen time after time how this has retained critical talent; provided a stabilising factor during change; facilitated knowledge-sharing and skill-transfer; and boosted people’s performance and motivation. We’re looking forward to recognising and celebrating more coaching and mentoring success stories, and helping EMCC UK to define, create and promote best practice in this important area.’
By sponsoring this award, EMCC UK also hopes to raise the profile of our standards and ethical frameworks with members of the Business Culture Community, who in turn engage coaches, mentors and supervisors. We encourage our members to enter these awards to highlight the contribution of the coaching and mentoring profession in improving and nurturing workplace culture, which in turn drives organisational performance. The 2023 awards are now open for entries – find out more here
Established in 1989, EMCC UK works to maintain, influence, develop and progress high quality standards in coaching, mentoring and supervision in the UK. We have almost 3,000 members who are individual practitioners, training, and education providers, as well as organisations with internal coaching and mentoring capability, including in-house supervisors. Our organisational members benefit from a dedicated programme, including CPD and access to practitioner materials and resources.
Contact Rachael if you would like to more about EMCC UK at rachael.hanley-browne@emccuk.org. www.emccuk.org