Jairaj (JJ) Thakkar is an experienced global HR leader with experience in both corporate and consulting sectors. He held various international senior leadership positions at GE, Rolls-Royce plc, Equinor, Merrill Lynch/Bank of America and Aon based in the Americas, Europe and Asia. Prior to his career in HR, JJ served as a diplomat and founded an IT consulting firm specialising in online training.
He has a deep understanding and experience in all aspects of human capital management and strategic consulting. JJ specialises in working with leadership teams on driving business results through the intersection of strategy, talent, and culture. With a distinct focus on leading large-scale complex change, JJ’s areas of expertise include developing top talent, change management, systematic process improvement, and helping organisations thrive in dynamic conditions.
He is an experienced board member and currently serves on the Board of Durham University and is a Trustee for Reach South Academy Trust.
JJ is a Fellow of The Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA).