NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS) provides critical administrative services such as accounting, payroll, pensions and procurement to NHS organisations. Every trust in the country uses one or more of its services and it processes the equivalent of 13% of the UK’s GDP every year. With 1,300 employees across the UK NHS SBS was under tremendous strain during the COVID-19 pandemic, due to an increased demand for their services. Despite successfully navigating these challenges and processing more than £250 billion pounds, the pandemic’s impact left the workforce feeling fatigued, leading to a spike in staff turnover and sickness. The service urgently needed to re-engage, re-energise and re-motivate its people.
In response to these issues, the NHS SBS commenced a listening exercise with colleagues across the organisation – including HR, estates and facilities, employee representatives and senior management. A Future Ways of Working strategy was established with the aim of re-energising the workforce and striking a healthy work-life balance. Key stakeholder groups were formed to engage in dialogue through focus groups, surveys and one-to-one meetings, discussing a variety of subjects, including preferences for work location, office workspace design and additional support for staff with unique needs.
It was clear people wanted a blend of home and office working with flexible workspaces, set up to connect, collaborate and congratulate. These words became its ‘3Cs’ values, which guided strategy and communications. Particular support was required for those new in post, with physical or mental health issues and with training needs.
Following the successful consultation period, the findings were implemented, enabling a move to an organisation where flexible working was the norm, an overhaul of office spaces for collaborative work and stronger internal communication channels. These included monthly all-hands calls with the Managing Director, ‘MD Monthly’ podcasts cascaded to the entire organisation and a weekly ‘Three Things’ email bulletin to highlight, briefly and simply, the three most important things employees need to know or do that week.
In response to pandemic-induced fatigue, NHS SBS has pioneered a transformative work culture, resulting in better work-life balance, lower staff turnover, improved recruitment and a first-time pat on the back from Great Place to Work for being one of the UK’s best super-large workplaces in 2023.
Employee temperature check scores have risen from 2.95 to 3.36. Other notable achievements include a drop in staff turnover from 20% to 12% and a 40% reduction in vacancies. Although smaller, offices are better used, typically running at 80– 95% occupancy. Furthermore, employee opinions on Glassdoor showed substantial improvements, indicating a more rewarding work environment. Despite these significant strides, NHS SBS remains committed to continually improving its internal communications strategy and the work environment to better cater to its employees’ needs.