Transport for London (TfL) grappled with numerous challenges as the pandemic struck, including a 95% plunge in revenue and ridership. However, the team spirit, openness and humanity demonstrated by colleagues was inspiring. Yet post-pandemic it became apparent that issues around fairness, transparency, support, and inclusivity pervaded the organisation, with employees voicing dissatisfaction at its existing performance and talent approach. TfL needed to reinstate confidence, reinforce organisational culture, and improve overall performance. A new strategic people vision was created: “To be a great place to work for everyone to thrive”. Now there was an urgent need to equip leaders to deliver on this.
TfL embarked on an ambitious journey to align its talent/performance management strategy with the values of being Open, Caring and Adaptable. It launched Conversation Matters – an initiative centred around fostering active listening, empathy/inclusion and effective feedback mechanisms within the system that was sponsored by the Chief People Officer and listed as a corporate priority.
Diagnostic activities beforehand involving employee surveys, employee listening groups, existing data and senior leader interviews provided valuable insights into the barriers to open dialogue and steps to facilitate this. A model containing three key ingredients was established: Be open, Be brave, Be connected.
A group coaching model was implemented, where colleagues could collaborate, share experiences and learn from one another in a safe and empathetic space. This provided clear goals of accountability for leaders and included interactive toolkits on conversation prompts and key models, a nudge campaign to embed learning and digital platforms for sharing challenges and successes. By taking a top-down approach role modelling from the top was ensured. Some 642 leaders went through the programme within nine months.
The initiative achieved a major success with a 97.6% net promoter score and similar metrics to denote its value to employee time. Proven by an 86% goal completion rate, the programme impacted areas like quality of 1:1 conversations, openness and inclusivity. Employee feedback on improved conversation with people leaders was also positive, with a 74% agreement rate of those surveyed.
This intervention helped improve the organisation’s performance appraisal process and supported key strategies to enhance the internal talent pipeline, with a 4% increase in internal recruitment. Employee engagement scores also exhibited a significant rise of 3.7%, further consolidating the value of Conversation Matters. A similar coaching programme is now being expanded to the next level of leaders, reinforcing its indispensable role in TfL’s talent and performance management strategy.