Panel Discussion: A New Leadership for a VUCA World

Leadership approaches which worked previously are no longer fit for purpose and different mindsets, skills and behaviours are required if we are to expect engaged and productive teams, and to be well prepared for the future of work. Explore the panel’s perspective on good leadership… Watch Now

Lloyds Banking Group’s Data & Tech Academy transforms learning and skills development, saving costs and fostering a tech-driven culture

Lloyds Banking Group (LBG) is one of the largest employers in the UK but, like so many organisations, faces a major skills shortage in the technical field, the single biggest barrier to its future economic success. It was relying on costly contractors and struggling to recruit the volume of technical resources required for key roles, such as engineering, data and cybersecurity…. Read More

DFDS gets fit for the future with upskilled people-focused leaders

DFDS, a leading European transport and logistics company with more than 12,000 colleagues worldwide and more than 10,000 freight customers faced a critical challenge in 2018. Despite ambitious objectives to double its revenue and profit by 2023, the company recognised that its culture was not conducive to achieving these goals… Read More