How Leaders can Help to Build a Speak Up Culture

Whenever I read about building a speak up culture, there is a lot of emphasis on creating and nurturing the conditions so that employees feel free to give feedback. While this is a critical element, there is another that is often overlooked. That is listening. This blog will expand… Read More

How to Improve Team Collaboration Skills

Effective fostering of teamwork and collaboration is critical to succeed in today’s world. While many companies claim to value and thrive at it, in our experience collaborative cultures are hard to build and sustain. This blog will explore what we mean by collaboration, why it’s such a challenge in the workplace, the business benefits it brings, ways to improve team collaboration, and how you can put teamwork at the heart of your culture… Read More

10 Top Tips for Better Working Lives

HR and Transformation leader Morag Norwood shares her perspective on today’s working environments and practices, and how to successfully adapt these across different companies and sectors in order to create a more compelling employee experience; a positive, productive culture and better working lives … Read More

The Kindness Myth at work

“Everyone here is really kind to one another” is a sentence you hear repeatedly when discussing culture with leadership teams. It’s something they tend to say with pride and satisfaction. And why wouldn’t they?

Kindness is what any good leader should be striving to foster, isn’t it?

Or is it?… Read More

BMJ + Coode Associates, BMJ Culture Transformation

BMJ engaged culture and leadership consultancy Coode Associates to support them build a more performance-oriented business through a focus on culture; aligning leadership teams and organisations around the behaviours they need to execute their strategy.
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UST Global

Founded in 1999, UST is a digital technology organization built on the strong foundation of value-based culture. It has over 25k ‘USsociates’ (employees) spread across 25 countries.
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Mercer UK Culture


Marsh & McLennan (MMC) is the world’s leading professional services firm in the areas of risk, strategy and people
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