Why We Need to Move Beyond Faster Horses in Measuring and Managing Culture for Success


Why We Need to Move Beyond Faster Horses in Measuring and Managing Culture for Success

Culture technology continues to create hope that it is enabling organisations to drive productivity and performance. The reality is though, we are only producing faster horses instead of truly changing the game. Organisations are using outdated methods of gauging employee engagement, relying on scoring systems that offer scant insight into the actionable steps required for genuine improvement in engagement. This reliance is precisely why embracing purpose, prioritising employee well-being, and effectively managing talent remain formidable challenges.
Brands with Values’ innovation lies in fundamentally rethinking the status quo. We’re introducing a new currency to the market, complete with bespoke algorithms and supported by an operational model that not only transforms but also elevates the role of HR professionals and their impact on both work and society at large.

Speaker: Adrian Walcott, Managing Director, Brands with Values

Session Themes: Employee Listening, Data & Insight, Culture Design