Popular, a 130-year-old financial institution originated in Puerto Rico, embarked on a transformative journey to remain competitive in a rapidly evolving banking landscape. Faced with growing competition, digital innovation and the effects of the pandemic Popular sought to position itself as the most relevant and trusted bank in its markets… Read More
Argent Energy breaks down silos to achieve global collaboration
Argent Energy, a rapidly growing renewable energy company, faced challenges as it scaled globally. Teams across its Cheshire and Amsterdam sites worked in silos, leading to inefficiencies, fragmented expertise and unresolved problems that impacted profitability… Read More
Utility Warehouse’s spirited behaviours drive a performance-boosting culture
Utility Warehouse (UW), a UK-based FTSE 250 company offering bundled home services, faced the challenge of rapid growth during the cost-of-living crisis. With an expanding customer base and workforce the company’s historically ‘family-feel’ culture began to show cracks… Read More
By ‘Delivering Better’ Evri transforms efficiency and customer satisfaction
In March 2022 Evri (formerly Hermes UK), the UK’s largest dedicated parcel carrier, embarked on its biggest transformation project to date. The rebranding from Hermes to Evri was more than just a name change, it marked a shift… Read More
Driving positive change by empowering your people
Organisations are facing ever more complexity and uncertainty. This requires them to become more nimble, higher tempo, able to solve issues accurately and efficiently. In this session, Chris will talk about his experiences of operating in organisations and cultures… Watch Now
Webinar On-Demand: Delivering meaningful change…even in the face of resistance
Change is tough and can sometimes even be unwelcome. Mindsets and behaviours need to be changed and it’s a gradual process which needs to take into account different segments of the workforce with different needs.
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Purpose & Culture: reimagining transformation and the colleague experience
Take a deep dive into a real-world success story, don’t miss this opportunity to uncover the secrets behind The Savoy’s enduring allure and success….
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Creating Transformational Change and a Culture to Support MAB’s Strategic Ambition
Explore why transformational change was vital for MAB’s organisational growth and success.
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Building an Impact Culture
Learn how Aurora working in partnership with Corporate Punk benchmarked their culture as a baseline, and designed and delivered a range of targeted interventions…
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Lloyds Banking Group grows with purpose to drive cultural transformation and purpose-led decision-making
Lloyds Banking Group has a compelling purpose to help Britain prosper, particularly given the major challenges facing society, such as climate change, inequality and technological advancement. The organisation embarked on a five-year strategy supported by significant investment to drive growth and deepen relationships… Read More